Listado de publicaciones de relevancia en las líneas de investigación del posgrado


  • D. Castillo , J.C. Cruz *, D.L. Trejo-Arroyo , E.M. Muzquiz , Z. Zarhri , M.P. Gurrola , R.E. Vega-Azamar, Characterization of poultry litter ashes as a supplementary cementitious material, Case Studies in Construction Materials 17 (2022) e01278.
  • R. Rosas-Luis, A. Elias Valdez.   Trophic resource partitioning among four sympatric lutjanid species in the southern Mexican Caribbean Sea. Marine Biology Research 17(7-8) (2021).
  • Jarquín-González, J., Valdez-Moreno, M. & Rosas-Luis, R. (2022). An approach to the Diversity of Achelata and Brachyura (Crustacea, Decapoda) from the Southern Mexican Caribbean. Diversity, 14: 649.
  • Velarde-Valdez, M., Magio, K. O., & Olmos-Martínez, E. (2023). La competitividad y su desempeño en destinos turísticos costeros: El caso de Mazatlán, México. Investigaciones Turísticas, (25), 49–76.
  • Zeferino González, I., Valenzuela-Muñiz, A. M., & Verde-Gómez, Y. (2022). Si–CN for the oxygen reduction reaction in alkaline media, the effect of synthesis temperature. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy.
  • M.P. Gurrola, J.C. Cruz, F.I. Espinosa-Lagunes, A.  Martínez-Lázaro, J. Ledesma-García, L.G. Arriaga, R.A. Escalona-Villalpando (2023). Perspective of Use of Pd/rGO in A Direct Urea Microfluidic Fuel Cell.Catalysts
  • Chan-Quijano, JG., Valdez-Hernández, M, González-Salvatierra, C, Ceccon E. Cach-Pérez MJ. (2023). Physiological performance of two tree species in oil-contaminated soil. Botanical Sciences, 101(1), 197-216.
  • Arturo Conde (Senior Member, IEEE), Gustavo Perez, (Member, IEEE), Guillermo Gutierrez-Alcaraz (Senior Member, IEEE), and Zbigniew Leonowicz, (Senior Member, IEEE) “Frequency improvement in microgrids through Battery Management System control supported by a remedial action scheme”, IEEE Access, Vol. 10, ISSN 2169-3536, DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2022.3143034. Publicado 13 de enero de 2022
  • Chi, H., Guillen, E., Bracamonte, J. & Duran, O. (2022, febrero). Innovación y sus impactos en las ventas, ingresos y número de empleados en las microempresas de Benito Juárez, Quintana Roo en tiempos de COVID-19. Revista Relayn – Micro y Pequeña Empresa en Latinoamérica. Vol. 6, (1), pp. 23-38.
  • Islebe, G., Torrescano-Valle, N., Valdez-Hernández, M., Carrillo-Bastos, A. & Aragón-Moreno, A.A. (2022). Maize and ancient Maya droughts. Scientific Reports.
  • Zeferino González, I., Chiu, H.-C., Gauvin, R., Demopoulos, G. P., Miki-Yoshida, M., Valenzuela-Muñiz, A. M., & Verde-Gómez, Y. (2022). Graphene nanobuds as a novel anode design paradigm with superior Li-ion storage capacity and rate capability. Carbon.
  • Medina Argueta, G. del S., & Rosado Varela, Ángel A. (2023). Análisis de un modelo metateórico aplicado a comunidades cercanas a los destinos turísticos de Quintana Roo, México. Ara: Revista De Investigación En Turismo, 12(1), 50–85.
  • V. Alvarado-Cerón, A. Muñiz-Castillo, M.G. León-Pech, C. Prada, J.E. Arias-González (2022) A decade of population genetics studies of scleractinian corals: A systematic review. Marine Environmental Research.
  • Domínguez-Maldonado, R., Villegas-Sánchez, C. A., Ruiz-Zárate, M. Á., González-Salas, C., & Rosado-Nic, O. D. J. (2022). Genetic differences of Acropora palmata populations of the Mexican Atlantic. Latin american journal of aquatic research, 50(2), 325-330.
  • D. Pech-Núñez, J. Gutiérrez, J.C. Cruz, R.E. Vega-Azamar, D.L. Trejo-Arroyo, M.P. Gurrola. (2023). Multi-walled carbon nanotubes–zinc in commercial acrylic sealant as a coating for anticorrosive protection system in metallic building structures. European Journal of Environmental and Civil Engineering.
  • Ysmael Verde-Gómez, Elizabeth Montiel-Macías, Ana María Valenzuela-Muñiz, Ivonne Alonso-Lemus, Mario Miki-Yoshida, Karim Zaghib, Nicolas Brodusch and Raynald Gauvin Structural Study of Sulfur-Added Carbon Nanohorns Materials (2022) 15, 3412.
  • Jarquín-González, J. & Carrera-Parra, L. F. (2022). Chondrochelia Guţu, 2016 (Crustacea, Peracarida, Tanaidacea, Leptocheliidae) from North America: new species, redescription and distribution using morphological and molecular data. PeerJ 10:e12773.
  • Cohuo, S.; Moreno-López, A.; Escamilla-Tut, N.Y.; Pérez-Tapia, A.M.; Santos-Itzá, I.; Macario-González, L.A.; Villegas-Sánchez, C.A.; Medina-Quej, A. Assessment of Water Quality and Heavy Metal Environmental Risk on the Peri-Urban Karst Tropical Lake La Sabana, Yucatán Peninsula. Water 2023, 15, 390.
  • Magio, K.O.; Lizama Aranda, L.L.; González, L.; Alpuche, C. Analysis and Identification of Sustainable Public Policy for Management of Cultural and Natural Heritage in the Maya Region in Line with the Sustainable Development Goals. Heritage 2021, 4, 4172-4183.
  • Handong Yang, Laura Macario-González, Sergio Cohuo, Thomas J. Whitmore, Jorge Salgado, Liseth Peréz, Antje Schwalb, Neil L. Rose, Jonathan Holmes, Melanie A. Riedinger-Whitmore, Philipp Hoelzmann, and Aaron O’Dea (2023) Mercury Pollution History in Tropical and Subtropical American Lakes: Multiple Impacts and the Possible Relationship with Climate Change. Environ. Sci. Technol. 57, 9, 3680–3690.

TecNM - Instituto Tecnológico de Chetumal

Av. Insurgentes No. 330, C.P. 77013 Col. David Gustavo Gtz. Chetumal, Quintana Roo